What is Copywriting, Why is it Important?

Advertising manuscript is a script written by an advertising script writer to be distributed for commercial purposes


A. Copywriting is Important for Sales

what is copywriting, why is it important?
Advertising manuscript is a script written by an advertising script writer to be distributed for commercial purposes. For example, scripts for television advertisements, radio, magazines, newspapers, billboards, banners, and so on. Advertising script writers are commonly called CopyWriters, the script or text is called CopyWriting. CopyWriting can also mean the activity of writing it. (source; Wikipedia)

In practice, advertisement scripts are not only in the form of conventional advertisements or categorized as 'Above The Line' (such as television, radio or print media advertisements), but also any promotional text required by the industry. For example, website text, calendars, brochures, company slogans, products (taglines), sales letters, press releases, direct mail, newsletters and much more. (source; Wikipedia)

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An advertising script writer is required to be able to write texts creatively and based on research. He is also required to master writing techniques in many media, such as print, website, audio, and audiovisual. (source; Wikipedia)

Simply put, CopyWriting is the art of selling through writing. As an online business, sometimes we like to rush to change something. Example; If we have an advertisement and it turns out that our product is not closing, we usually rush to immediately replace the ad. Whereas before changing everything, there is something we can change first, namely the CopyWriting (writing the ad). As an online businessman, of course, all selling activities are carried out on-line, so this CopyWriting skill is very important to master.

Hopefully, those of you who are passionate about learning CopyWriting, can get more closings after learning it.

B. Good CopyWriting Terms

Understand Target Market

It would be useless if you have good CopyWriting but don't understand your target market. Surely the CopyWriting will be weird when your target market reads it. Therefore, before writing CopyWriting, make sure you first understand who and what the target market is. So, later it will be easy for you to determine your CopyWriting style.

For example; Your target market is 17 year olds. Surely your CopyWriting style may not use formal language. Because the formal language you will use when your target market is probably 30 years old. hence before making CopyWriting. First, make sure you understand the target market.

Want to Write

Copywriting is one of the important skills that must be mastered by a businessman, especially for an On-Line businessman it is very important. And in fact CopyWriting is a very learnable skill. It's true because sometimes we fail not because of our small abilities, but because of our little willpower. It's the same with CopyWriting. If you want to start writing it, then you will be able to make good CopyWriting.

Action Continue Try Continue

Once you do it and immediately become an expert, it's impossible. You need time to keep trying and trying. So keep trying to make your CopyWriting and keep trying to make CopyWriting until you reach your goal.

C. Headlines

Headlines are a very important element in CopyWriting. Because a Headline is useful so that people are interested in our ad. The title or initial writing of your Ad is Headline. There are several types of headlines, such as the following :

    1. Headlines that prioritize the profit side, for example :

    BIG DISCOUNT 50% + 20%.
    Buy 1 Free 1.
    Effective Ways to Get Out of Price War Using Facebook & Instagram Ads.
    Practical Tips for Overcoming Your Product Marketing Problems.
    Quick Tips for Writing Copywriting.
    How to Quickly Restore Ideal Post-Given Weight.
    Economical Package Price Grimace.
    Free All You Can Eat For Those Who Are Fasting David.
    Eat all you can, just pay with alms!

    2. Headlines that make people curious, here are examples :

    This is how to make money with only a smartphone.
    7 Secrets of Making Without Shooting.
    What Makes Women Always Look Beautiful?
    How to lose 10 kg of your body weight in 1 week.
    How From 50 Thousand Rupiah Can Be Million Rupiah?
    Do you know the easy way to start an online business without big capital?

    3. Headlines that can make customers afraid and surprised, here are example :

    Watch out! Don't Run Out.
    Be Careful! Premature Aging Can Happen To You At Any Time.
    I Was So Surprised, I swear!
    What is your Account Number?
    Selling Continues, Smooth Orders.
    Be Careful! Don't Read This Ad!
    Do You Want Success?

    4. Headlines that use questions, for example :

    Have You Eaten Today?
    Do you want to know how to look cooler?
    Do you want to know how to live healthier and fitter cheaply?
    Who Else Wants An Athletic Body In 5 Weeks?
    Are you ready to get a lot of orders after this?
    Are you an Online Businessman?
    Can We Be Rich?

    5. Headlines containing Confessions. Headlines that seem as if you claim to be one-sided about your product/business, here's an example of the Headline :

    Fastest Weight Loss Supplement.
    The Best-selling Book of the Year.
    The Most Delicious Food in Indonesia.
    The Most Expensive Food in the World.
    Luxury Hotel in Jakarta.
    The Freshest Drink in Java.
    The Only School in Indonesia Based on IT & Religion.
    The Most Delicious Formula Milk For Babie

Those are some types of Headlines along with examples that you can use in your CopyWriting. In essence, this headline is used to attract the attention of your target market.

D. Bidding Angle

When we make CopyWriting, the first thing to think about, especially for sales, is the offer angle. or in other words the offer angle. What angle do you want to write your offer from? What are the features and advantages? Or the benefits of the product? Or special offers (discounts and bonuses for example)? Might as well offer the design? Or what?

Be Careful! Do not immediately write CopyWriting without first determining the Offer Angle. One easy way to use Offer Angle is to explore product Features and Benefits. Every product must have features and benefits. Then we can use that for CopyWriting :

Features = Specifications
Benefits = Uses

The features are the specifications of the product, for example :

Hijab's feature is that the material is cool.
HP Iphone has a 20 MP wide camera feature.
The feature marker is black.

Then there are the benefits of these features, for example :

The material is breathable.
The benefits are comfortable to wear all day.
Its 20 MP wide benefit camera can produce photos like a Professional Photographer.
Benefit black color makes writing clearer.

Now, to make it better between Features and Benefits, the conjunction 'so' is inserted. So when the words are combined into a sentence it will be like this :

This hijab is made of cool material so you can wear it all day comfortably.
This cellphone features a 20 MP wide camera so that when you take photos the results are like a professional photographer.
This marker is black so your writing can be read more clearly.

Writing about 'Features' and 'Benefits' is very important, because sometimes people don't care about the features that our products have. They will be happier if they know there are benefits. So when we write CopyWriting we must include 'Features' and 'Benefits' so that people will understand and be more interested in our products.

E. Copywriting Writing Techniques

Before writing CopyWriting, remember the above discussion about good CopyWriting requirements. Then for the writing technique, you can use the AIDA formula :

A = Attention
I = Interest
D = Desire
A = Action

The explanation is :

Attention; Use interesting headlines to attract the attention of your customers.

Interest; You can do this by telling the problem and the solution. You can also provide information or facts, statistics, case studies and ideal conditions of what is happening in society.

Desire; Create desire for your customers. In this section, you can inform the features and benefits of your product or you can also offer bonuses that you provide to customers.

Action; Tell customer what do after reading your CopyWriting, for example :

'Buy by Click here'

That's one formula for writing CopyWriting. This AIDA formula has been widely used by CopyWriters, so it will be easier for you to imitate it. If you are still in the learning stage, just do ATP (Observe, Imitate, Plek). Well, later when you're getting better at doing ATM (Observe, Imitate, Modify).

Please try to practice it ... Hopefully useful

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